Monday, April 26, 2010

Israelis kill Hamas leader important

Tel Aviv / Gaza - The Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip is a key Hamas leader was killed.
How communicated Palestinian rescue forces, Nizar Rajan was killed on Thursday in the north of Gaza.
Meanwhile, waiting on the edge of the Gaza Strip nachisraelischen broadcasting information on the invasion of ground forces command.
The Israeli channel reported on Thursday morning, several tausendSoldaten were in readiness, many of them reservists. DerBodeneinsatz with strong associations should be the Armeeheftig and shortly after the presentation, they said.
   The Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni traveled amDonnerstag to discuss the Gaza crisis in Paris. They include wolltedort Sarkozytreffen the French president Nicolas. Sarkozy Israelerwartet Monday to mediation in talks.
Israel had rejected a French proposal for a 48-hour ceasefire.
   The Israeli Air Force, meanwhile, also continued on the sixth Tagder military offensive Cast Lead Gazastreifenfort in their attacks.
These are re-building of the Government radikalislamischenHamas Organization and smugglers tunnels along the border with Ägyptenbeschossen been. The Navy had derHamas bombarded from the sea once more goals.
Also of interest
Tank-in-waiting - Photos from the Front

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A total VERKO (r) south coast Careers

Cologne - "Here you see me again!"
One hears this phrase by Ania Rudy (41) again and again when she leaves the courthouse on the Luxembourg road.
On Wednesday, Anna Malgorzata Rudy (Dabrowska was born) to denote a professional singer and actress, once again convicted.
Possession of drugs was the allegation. In March, detectives had raided the home of Rudy and whose fiance Gödderz Thomas (44) in the south of Cologne. And amphetamines found. Anja had a tube with 0.10 grams of the party drug in the wallet, also remains liable to Visa card, Air Berlin customer and two electric precision balances.
"That comes from the old days," said Rudy's Bar Claus eaters to EXPRESS. Its insured client to have signed with the drug. Ania was convicted last 2007 because of cocaine possession. On Wednesday, it took on its own Best Judge Ingrid (58) to a fine of 500 euros.
"I do not know what I should pay it," Rudy groaned under the ruling and asked if they could, instead, whenever the well of community service. Ania living on Hartz IV levels, currently hoping for a stage commitment in Dusseldorf.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Solar storms could cripple internet

Washington - danger from space. The sun sends us more than just heat and light. As demonstrated by U.S. researchers from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), electro-magnetic solar storms could cripple the Internet.
And very soon: in 2012. The storms are a threat, the researchers said computer there - and which form the backbone of the Internet.
Should it come to that, we need to prepare for severe disruptions in communications, banking, the financial system and public services.
But that's not enough. It would also fail and endanger the drinking water pumping stations in the world. If over time from the power grid can not food and medicines are kept cool. A horror scenario.
It's not the first time that humanity would suffer from the solar storms. As early as 1859 the threat from space could burn off the telegraph wires. And ten years ago have been set by the radiation parts of the Canadian power grid out of action.
More space news is water on Mars' Here ends the "Phoenix" on Mars> The Space Taxi from Saxony-Anhalt>

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Boxing: From the mega-fight

Cologne - Everything back to zero in poker, at the mega-fight of the boxing world champion Felix Sturm (WBA) and Arthur Abraham (IBF).
As might be expected to have promoter Klaus-Peter Kohl rejected the offer of the competing stable.
On 18 November had commanded Abraham manager Wilfried Sauerland 2.5 million euros alone for the storm. Conditions: The fight must be transferred from the Sauerland-house channel ARD. This Kohl, admitted Sauerland four days time for a decision time, yesterday: "For us, that no serious offer, but an ultimatum."
Under the motto "do or die," he was "absolutely no room for negotiation has been left" as it was customary. "One would have to talk about whether we might jointly organized." And that would certainly have liked to ZDF mitgeredet even a word.
The Sauerland-Stall responded to the rejection well, not as we might expect. "Our offer was serious," asserts the Sauerland. Its Managing Director, Christian Meyer afterwards adds: "We have shown that those who want to fight and who pinches. For us, it is: Storm is afraid of King Arthur. "
In addition, the Leverkusen said on Friday the Express: "What rubbish. They know full well that the fight, the way they want it, is not possible. Which become important only at my expense. "Thus it will remain a dream of the fans, the book union of the two best German middleweights. Another contrast is sought by both - the U.S. against double world champion Kelly Pavlik (WBC / WBO).
Sauerland allegedly negotiated for a year with his promoter Bob Arum, Kohl wants on 6 December in Las Vegas to talk to him. Forward: "The fight against Arthur would be for me never so much as against Pavlik. That is an entirely different challenge. "

Friday, April 2, 2010

Gift-suicide in parking lot

Cologne - More than a dozen fire trucks in action, 36 rescue workers to arm themselves for the real thing: Gift alarm in the parking lot of an electronics business in Marsdorf.
 Has triggered a Cologne, who took his life in his Mercedes. He gulped at noon on Thursday, a chemical means, but died shortly afterwards. Buyers noticed the lifeless body behind the wheel, immediately called an ambulance.
What does not see the angerückten Savior: The suicide had a note attached to the windshield and explicitly warned of the chemical. But when the aid workers say this, they've smashed the side window of the car.
Then they strike alarm. The fire department blocked the parking area around the Mercedes from a large scale. It forms a bunch of people, customers can not go back to their cars.
 As forces again to approach the car, they protect themselves with respirators. Take toxicological samples. And give all-clear: no toxic gases in the air. The dead person is transported, released the parking lot.
After the suicide in the North Cemetery, this is the next spectacular case of suicide in Cologne. In general, the number of suicides increased at Christmas time, as confirmed by the police.