Friday, April 2, 2010

Gift-suicide in parking lot

Cologne - More than a dozen fire trucks in action, 36 rescue workers to arm themselves for the real thing: Gift alarm in the parking lot of an electronics business in Marsdorf.
 Has triggered a Cologne, who took his life in his Mercedes. He gulped at noon on Thursday, a chemical means, but died shortly afterwards. Buyers noticed the lifeless body behind the wheel, immediately called an ambulance.
What does not see the angerückten Savior: The suicide had a note attached to the windshield and explicitly warned of the chemical. But when the aid workers say this, they've smashed the side window of the car.
Then they strike alarm. The fire department blocked the parking area around the Mercedes from a large scale. It forms a bunch of people, customers can not go back to their cars.
 As forces again to approach the car, they protect themselves with respirators. Take toxicological samples. And give all-clear: no toxic gases in the air. The dead person is transported, released the parking lot.
After the suicide in the North Cemetery, this is the next spectacular case of suicide in Cologne. In general, the number of suicides increased at Christmas time, as confirmed by the police.