Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A total VERKO (r) south coast Careers

Cologne - "Here you see me again!"
One hears this phrase by Ania Rudy (41) again and again when she leaves the courthouse on the Luxembourg road.
On Wednesday, Anna Malgorzata Rudy (Dabrowska was born) to denote a professional singer and actress, once again convicted.
Possession of drugs was the allegation. In March, detectives had raided the home of Rudy and whose fiance Gödderz Thomas (44) in the south of Cologne. And amphetamines found. Anja had a tube with 0.10 grams of the party drug in the wallet, also remains liable to Visa card, Air Berlin customer and two electric precision balances.
"That comes from the old days," said Rudy's Bar Claus eaters to EXPRESS. Its insured client to have signed with the drug. Ania was convicted last 2007 because of cocaine possession. On Wednesday, it took on its own Best Judge Ingrid (58) to a fine of 500 euros.
"I do not know what I should pay it," Rudy groaned under the ruling and asked if they could, instead, whenever the well of community service. Ania living on Hartz IV levels, currently hoping for a stage commitment in Dusseldorf.