Monday, April 26, 2010

Israelis kill Hamas leader important

Tel Aviv / Gaza - The Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip is a key Hamas leader was killed.
How communicated Palestinian rescue forces, Nizar Rajan was killed on Thursday in the north of Gaza.
Meanwhile, waiting on the edge of the Gaza Strip nachisraelischen broadcasting information on the invasion of ground forces command.
The Israeli channel reported on Thursday morning, several tausendSoldaten were in readiness, many of them reservists. DerBodeneinsatz with strong associations should be the Armeeheftig and shortly after the presentation, they said.
   The Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni traveled amDonnerstag to discuss the Gaza crisis in Paris. They include wolltedort Sarkozytreffen the French president Nicolas. Sarkozy Israelerwartet Monday to mediation in talks.
Israel had rejected a French proposal for a 48-hour ceasefire.
   The Israeli Air Force, meanwhile, also continued on the sixth Tagder military offensive Cast Lead Gazastreifenfort in their attacks.
These are re-building of the Government radikalislamischenHamas Organization and smugglers tunnels along the border with Ägyptenbeschossen been. The Navy had derHamas bombarded from the sea once more goals.
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