Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New trend - Bike Polo

Bobigny -
Now it is approaching and the European area: Bike Polo! So far, spread mainly in the U.S., Canada and India, the crazy sport now enjoys in France growing enthusiasm.
Instead of the horse you need this one special wheel without brake, perseverance and a good sense of balance.
Bicycle polo player Michael Charton: "You have to be a little sporty, you must have come much into the pedals and you should have no fear of falling."
See more in our video!
Video on the subject

Thursday, May 20, 2010

"For high goals no substance"

Gummersbach - 40 training sessions and 16 games behind the preparation VfL Gummersbach. On Saturday the fun begins at 19 clock for the European champions in the Bundesliga handball against Dusseldorf.
Sead Hasanefendic EXPRESS coach speaks in interview about the team's high expectations, and why he expects a really bad season.
How well the team is on it? "I am satisfied with the course of preparation. Most of the games we won and all the players have been very motivated. We played really good job.
However, you do not just spread optimism over the last few weeks is some criticism eingeprasselt on me. For I see that we have a much weaker force together than last year. The see other people differently. We have a Ilic, Alvanos and Fazekas lost three columns and replaced only by promising talents. That's not enough to realize the high ideals of the environment.
Especially since the budget be cut despite the European Cups at 300,000 to 4.2 million € musste.Wir a difficult season ahead of us. Teams like Kiel, Hamburg and the Rhein-Neckar-Löwen play in their own league. Then come Flensburg, Lemgo, Berlin and Göppingen who want in the international business. These clubs we can beat on a good day. But seen over the whole season, we need substance, which we have not. So the objective in the top ten, landing, realistic.
How great is the unrest in the squad after the club asked the players to give up 20 percent of the salary? It is an unpleasant situation for all it is difficult, the nervousness is great. Therefore I, as coach to concentrate on the sport address. Finally, we want to celebrate all on Saturday to a good start in the league.
More from VfL: Gunnarsson: We depend purely> VfL will go forth and cut salaries>

Friday, May 14, 2010

Christmas bonuses - what the bosses of this year's payment

Good news for millions of workers: Despite the crisis, they will receive this year a little more Christmas money than in 2008.
Reason, the wage increases of the last pay round. Depending on the industry is the increase between 1.5 and 7.3 percent.
For the average salary grade means that with the November salary will be € 16-117 over Christmas bonuses paid than last year. It has identified the WSI collective archive of the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung.
Specifically, there is this year in accordance with collective agreements in the mid-wage group and in construction (West) 1349 € Christmas bonus, 2711 € in the chemical industry, printing industry and in retail 2290 NRW 1 318 €. The municipalities pay € 2,132 to € 2,695 banks, the car industry and the confectionery industry € 883 € 2,376.
Ailing companies use some clauses in order to pay less or no Christmas bonuses. The survey revealed, however EXPRESS: Most large companies and public employers pay the same percentage of the gross wage as in 2008.
Annual special percent in 2009 from the monthly gross wage
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ADAC 80% 50% Air Berlin Airbus 25-55% alliance 80% 55% Audi AWB AXA Cologne 60-90% 80% train at least 100% ** 95% BASF Bayer officials 95% (federal) 0% *** BMW up 100% Federal Labour Agency employees 60-90% 0% *** ** Officials
C & A is not yet festCoca-Cola GmbH 90-100% to 100% Commerzbank Continental Daimler 55-95% 25-55% 100% German bank DAS Legal 100% 100% German postal workers Officials 30-60% Deutz AG 25 DKV -55% 100%
E. ON 100% 100% Ergo Insurance Group, Evonik Industries 50-100% 100% ** Fielmann Ford max. Galeria Kaufhof% 55% 50 to 62.5 ** German Wings (cabin crew only) 50% Hamburg-Mannheimer Haribo 100% 100% 100% Hayes Lemmerz HDI Gerling GmbH Henkel 25-55% 95% 62.5% Hochtief H & M 25 Ikea 100% -100%
KVB Köln Lanxess 82.1% 50% 50 to 62.5% ** Lidl Lufthansa (ground) 50% to 100% of McDonald's Media Markt / Saturn 62.5% NRW staff (administration, judiciary, police, teachers etc. ) Employees ** 35-95% 30-60% ** official ** Playmobil retirees 22-60% 24-100% 100-140% * Renault REWE 20-100% Rheinbahn RTL 82.1% 100% 100% RWE
SGL Carbon GmbH SAP0% 55% 95% Siegwerk Siemens Tchibo 25-55% * 100% 0% Telecom 50% *** Toyota TUV Rheinland usually 50-100% publishing group insurance Victoria Rentrop100% 100% 30-60% * Vodafone VR Bank Rhein-Sieg WDR 100% 50% 0% Zamek Zurich Insurance 80% 55% ZF Sachs AG
* Depending on length of service ** Depending on your plan built area / grade *** special payment to the monthly salary

Saturday, May 8, 2010

But Schumi-deal not in jeopardy

Dusseldorf --
The sports world is looking forward to the comeback-Schumacher, the German fans on the Formula-1-Traumehe with Mercedes - the Luca di Montezemolo is also now his blessing. "If he decides to take a different path, then our agreement no longer apply," says Ferrari chief despite an ongoing agreement until 2012 with Schumacher as Ferrari's advisor.
But, now brings a suspected fraudster as good as the deal still lashed to falter? It's about a million scandal in Düsseldorf, Henkel Corporation (EXPRESS reported), is also in the English borrowed from Mercedes BrawnGP team involved. Ross Brawn concluded with the now terminated Henkel PR man Kai von Bargen (42) a three-year contract from about 90 million euros. This fixed scheduled Mercedes suddenly missing money, because the detergent giant declared the contract null and void, "Henkel is not willing to take because fraudulent documents created for a non-payment intentions Formula 1 sponsorship." Because of the center of Brawn November reminded us pay the first installment drew Henkel court.
30 million per year, even in the billions of Formula 1 circus is no trifle. Mercedes motorsport boss Norbert Haug ( "We are in the budget by 2011, a total of 50, aim for 60 million euros), therefore missing half of the annual budget!
Is now the entire Formula 1 engagement in danger? Dies, the German dream team with Nico Rosberg (24) and Schumacher before the completion? Or the company will pay the 30 million to his new team at the end of yourself? Daimler spokesman Wolfgang Schattling to EXPRESS: "The immediate loss of sponsorship money from Henkel does not affect the objective and plans of the team." The dispute with a handle, he says: "Mercedes is a consensual agreement regarding the complete BrawnGP summer with sponsorship contract interested. "Which means: One hopes that at least a partial amount.
And as Schumacher comes into play: With him as justifying brand ambassador could handle a million-investment in the global advertising platform rather than only Brawn, Haug and Rosberg.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bonn's new prince, as of 1001 Nights

Bonn - If that does not sound like a tale from 1001 nights ... The lovely Shafaghi Amir (39) ruled in the upcoming session as Prince Amir I. The Bönnsch fools. As if it were the parents of the future prince had suspected: Amir is called in Persian "prince."
Since it is not surprising that most mother Akram (64) is happy that her son is now a real prince. When presenting the nominee at the hotel royal court of Prince Amir's Page: Uta girlfriend Gobel (26), which climbed as charming Bonna Uta I play the fool throne.
Since 1980, entrepreneurs Shafaghi (lives telecommunications) in Bonn and enthusiastic at once for the fifth season: "Carnival has fascinated me. I've missed as a child with my parents no Carnival, "said Amir I.
 But really, the active Tollität until Erwachsenenenalter. Eight years ago Shafaghi enlisted in the cavalry corps of soldiers to the city, where he met his girlfriend and future Bonna Uta.
 "Since then, the desire grew in me, too" eenmol Prince ze sin. "Bonna-designate, a banker by profession, is active in childhood carnival. Starting with the Women's Committee funny beechnuts, moved Uta 2002 to the city soldiers.
"Now a dream come true for me. It is a great honor for me, the Bonn fools and fools to govern, "says Uta.Auch the three sons of the prince from his former connection, twins David and Simon (9) plus Niklas (6) are thrilled.
Their reaction when they find out that Dad is prince: "Are we famous now?" Proclamation on 8 January 2010 in the Beethoven Hall.