Saturday, May 8, 2010

But Schumi-deal not in jeopardy

Dusseldorf --
The sports world is looking forward to the comeback-Schumacher, the German fans on the Formula-1-Traumehe with Mercedes - the Luca di Montezemolo is also now his blessing. "If he decides to take a different path, then our agreement no longer apply," says Ferrari chief despite an ongoing agreement until 2012 with Schumacher as Ferrari's advisor.
But, now brings a suspected fraudster as good as the deal still lashed to falter? It's about a million scandal in Düsseldorf, Henkel Corporation (EXPRESS reported), is also in the English borrowed from Mercedes BrawnGP team involved. Ross Brawn concluded with the now terminated Henkel PR man Kai von Bargen (42) a three-year contract from about 90 million euros. This fixed scheduled Mercedes suddenly missing money, because the detergent giant declared the contract null and void, "Henkel is not willing to take because fraudulent documents created for a non-payment intentions Formula 1 sponsorship." Because of the center of Brawn November reminded us pay the first installment drew Henkel court.
30 million per year, even in the billions of Formula 1 circus is no trifle. Mercedes motorsport boss Norbert Haug ( "We are in the budget by 2011, a total of 50, aim for 60 million euros), therefore missing half of the annual budget!
Is now the entire Formula 1 engagement in danger? Dies, the German dream team with Nico Rosberg (24) and Schumacher before the completion? Or the company will pay the 30 million to his new team at the end of yourself? Daimler spokesman Wolfgang Schattling to EXPRESS: "The immediate loss of sponsorship money from Henkel does not affect the objective and plans of the team." The dispute with a handle, he says: "Mercedes is a consensual agreement regarding the complete BrawnGP summer with sponsorship contract interested. "Which means: One hopes that at least a partial amount.
And as Schumacher comes into play: With him as justifying brand ambassador could handle a million-investment in the global advertising platform rather than only Brawn, Haug and Rosberg.